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1. Which subjects are taken into account during the admissions exam for the undergraduate program?
A:Subjects taken into account: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Elective Q & A
Q1. What is the difference between the core courses of the Interdisciplinary Program of Life Science or Medical Science and the core courses of the Life Science department or Medical Science department?
A1. Please refer to the Curriculum list, in which the required courses, credit hours and total credits for graduation of undergraduate students are listed.

Q2. Am I able to use my secondary major courses (those that are offered by departments/colleges outside of Life Science) towards a double-major?
A2. Yes, but please take note of the rules for double-majoring.
For those students who wish to double-major (i.e. pursue a second degree), the credits required for graduation must be at least 40 credits more than the required credits of each majoring department. In other words, a student pursuing a dual degree in the Department of Life Science must complete at least 168 credits.

Q3. Is it mandatory for students to complete the 31 credits of first major courses during the first and second year of studies, and complete another 27-33 credits of second major courses during the third and final year of studies?
A3. Administrative officers will examine the preference of first-year students when selecting their second major courses during their second semester of studies. Students should begin to plan their future course selection using the curriculum table. The first major and second major courses can be taken simultaneously during the second year of studies.
Q4. If I have no interest in the double-major degree program can I instead major in either the Department of Life Science or Department of Medical Science?
A4. Yes, but you will need to apply for a transfer.

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